
PDC-Permaculture Design Certificate Course usually includes lectures or classes based on the Permaculture principles and ethics, how to apply this system in our particular community and also includes projects and workshops on designing Permaculture platforms, practical activities on the field and many more. This type of workshops increase sustainable awareness and after completing the course, the participants learn how to use the Permaculture principles and ethics in their daily life and can serve the nature most rather than just consuming from it. Students after completion of a PDC course learn about identify and classify lands, make a farm planing or plan for a property management, the techniques of earthworks and soil renovation, process of food production as well as natural composting and harvesting, technique of eco friendly construction as well as know about the energy resources, how to control the waste stream and also about recycling and many more.

PDC-Permaculture-Design-CertificateRancho Delicioso:

Located near two famous undeveloped beach towns of Costa Rica-Montezuma and Santa Teresa, Rancho Delicioso is an eco village and Permaculture volunteer project. Though this 8 hectare estate area is based on the tropical climate of the country, it doesn’t only offers the PDC course related to tropic works rather also about temperate climate designing. Participants will have lectures as well as practical activities. These lessons are customized on the design solutions for habitat of human which can be constructed in ecological way. Participants will also learn how to create multi-functional, diverse landscape. This Permaculture Design Course is for those who are in a profession like farming, education, architecture, community and ecology development. It is also for those who are interested in making designs for resilient and regenerative futures. Participants will learn the technique of designing their own permaculture site at the end of the course. They will also be able to make organic gardens and farms, improve their surroundings and also learn the technique of building their homes by using eco friendly products. This course is actually an intense set of workshops including more than 72 hours of instruction and also practical experience as well as listening to presentations on different topics which are related to Permaculture.

More info: http://ranchodelicioso.com/pdc-permaculture-design-certificate/
Website: http://ranchodelicioso.com

finca-morphoFinca Morpho:

This 4.2 hectares property area is actually a Permaculture community. Set close to the Osa Peninsula’s point of Cabo Matapalo, this community offers 72 hour PDC (Permaculture Design Certificate Course). This course includes at least a design project exercise or multiple design vignettes, meals thrice a day and also a talent show at the end of the day. This course include discussion and also practical activities in the field.

More info: http://www.costaricajourneys.com/finca-morpho
Website: http://www.fincamorpho.com/

finca-tierraFinca Tierra:

Nestled in a tropical setting, Finca Tierra is a 9 acre property area that provides 72 hours PDC-Permaculture Design Certificate Course and also Internship. Permaculture curriculum and also the fundamentals of ecological design are covered by this course. By joining this course, the participants will learn about forest gardening as well as about community development. They will learn about the technique of analyzing the tropical and temperate regions’ site and also about the techniques which can be applied in any climate. This course also introduces the Permaculture principles and ethics to the participants and also about the process of micro-climate design and master planning of landscape, process of using greywater in the landscape, pattern recognition, and also about organic gardening. Participants will have meals thrice a day, accommodation facilities, field trips and also internet access.

More info: http://www.costaricajourneys.com/finca-tierra-organic-permaculture-farm-eco-lodge/
Website: http://fincatierra.com

Punta Mona Permaculture design coursePunta Mona:

It is a family owned Permaculture farm and eco-lodge. With its 85 acre area, this Permaculture farm offers 72+ hour PDC (Permaculture Design Course. This course includes all meals, accommodation facilities, daily yoga class and also different excursions like sea kayaking, Cacao Party, Mud Bathing and snorkeling. During the course, participants will get discussion about different topics including economics in agriculture, education alternatives, community development, eco-construction, green building, triple bottom line business and many more. Not only the discussion or lesson, they will also do practical works on the field and do some projects on soil exercise, making natural compost, water management exercise, onsite analysis and also know about the Tropical ecosystem of the surrounding area.

More info: http://www.costaricajourneys.com/punta-mona/
Website: http://puntamona.org/

Rancho-MastatalRancho Mastatal:

PDC (Permaculture Design Certificate course) offered by Rancho Mastatal covers the Permaculture Design curriculum. Its duration in two weeks and the course is directed by a diverse team of Permaculture instructors Scott Gallant, Chris Shanks, Rachel Jackson, Laura Killingbeck and others. During the workshop, the participants will learn about Permaculture by taking lectures as well as by doing some practical activities. They will work as a team and at the end of the course, they will create their own Permaculture site design. Rancho Mastatal is like a living class room and this education center or farm or community not only offers Permaculture Design Certificate Course but also offers different types of educational programs based on livelihoods, sustainability and caring relationships.

More info: http://www.costaricajourneys.com/rancho-mastatal/
Website: http://ranchomastatal.com/


Located in Salitrales, San Jose province, VerdEnergia offers a 19 day intensive immersion course including the many facets of Permaculture and focus on practical solutions in different sectors like eco-friendly construction, agriculture, social sciences, economics and also politics. Founded in 2006, VerdEnergia offers the course including both practical work and classroom discussion. Curriculum covers design theory, regenerative practices and also the basics consultation on a professional level.

More info: http://www.costaricajourneys.com/verdenergia
Website: http://www.verdenergia.org/

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